
Uganda Episcopal Conference

Uganda Episcopal Conference

Pope Francis is set to realize his postponed trip to two African countries early next year, officials of the Holy See have announced.
In a statement issued Thursday, December 1, officials of the Holy See Press office unveil the the program and itinerary of the “Apostolic Journey of His Holiness Francis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and in South Sudan (Ecumenical Pilgrimage of Peace in South Sudan) from 31 January to 5 February 2023.”

Fr. Giuseppe Ambrosoli, a Comboni Missionary Priest who ministered in Uganda’s Archdiocese of Gulu as a beloved minister of the Eucharist, surgeon, philanthropist, and educator. Credit: Comboni Uganda
By Agnes Aineah

The Apostolic Nunciature in Uganda has the pleasure to announce that on 25th October 2022 the Holy Father Pope Francis has appointed Bishop of the Diocese of Kotido the Rev. Fr. Dominic Eibu, M.C.C.J., and has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the same Diocese presented by the Rt. Rev. Giuseppe Filippi, M.C.C.J., upon reaching the canonical age limit.

Press Communiqué from the General Secretariat of the Synod

Statement by the Catholic Bishops on the
60th Anniversary of Uganda’s Independence
Dear brothers and sisters,
We congratulate you all upon reaching 60th Anniversary of our independence. We thank God for the protection and contributions by various stakeholders. We thank Him for protecting us from the devastating COVID-19 pandemic. We take this opportunity to renew our growth, guided by sacred scripture; and the National Constitution.

Message from the General Secretariat of the Synod on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council (11 October 1962 - 11 October 2022)

The 60th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council is a moment of particular grace also for the Synod, which represents a fruit of that ecumenical assembly, indeed one of its "most precious legacies" (Francis, Apostolic Constitution Episcopalis Communio, Sept. 15, 2018, 1). The Synodus Episoporum, in fact, was instituted by St. Paul VI at the beginning of the fourth and final period of the Council (Sept. 15, 1965), responding to requests made by many council fathers.

Most Rev. John Baptist Odama, Archbishop of Gulu with other religious leaders and a cross section of the laity attending the National Day of Prayer on Human Trafficking at Kololo Ceremonial Grounds on 9th September, 2022, guided by the Theme": *TECHNOLOGY AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING   different  religious texts have were delivered by key .

Keynote Address on the Occasion of the National Prayer on Human Trafficking at Kololo Independence,
9th of September 2022
Rt. Hon. Prime Minister
Religious leaders,
Government officials,
Civil Society Organizations,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear brethren,

Today is the Memorial Day of St. Peter Claver who helped thousands of African slaves at the Port of Cartagena in Columbia in the 17th century. It is quite opportune that we have chosen this day, to gather here, at this Independence Ground to offer our supplications for the victims of human trafficking; to encourage government, religious leaders, groups and individuals that assist them, to plead for proactive actions against the vice, and to appeal for the conversion of the perpetrators involved in this heinous crime.

Many remember Fr. Giuseppe Ambrosoli, a Comboni Missionary Priest who ministered in Uganda’s Archdiocese of Gulu as a beloved minister of the Eucharist, surgeon, philanthropist, and educator in the Eastern African country where he is set to be beatified on November 20.


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